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A Career in International Education - CEA CAPA Staff's Inspiring Stories

by CEA CAPA Staff

Celebrating IEW 2022: International Education Career Inspiration

在CEA CAPA,我们理解这一点 studying or 在国外宝博体育 expands traditional boundaries of education and offers opportunities to explore global perspectives. 这就是我们兴奋地庆祝的原因 宝博体育周(IEW) from Nov. 14-18 by highlighting the benefits of working in education abroad. In this series, we asked our colleagues about their personal impacts, expertise, and unique experiences from international education and hope their responses inspire the next generation of students.  

We asked: What inspired your interest in pursuing a career path in international education? 我们的同事回答... 

I studied and interned abroad with CAPA in London, and it was the driving factor in my career path to international education. 这对我来说是一次转变的经历, 无论是个人还是职业, and I found I wanted to support students who were looking to have a similar experience.  

作为一个宝博体育的学生, 学习一门不同的语言, and learning about how people live elsewhere in addition to facing challenges in adapting to life outside of my home country and in a new school system had a profound impact on me and the way I view the world. These experiences continue to help me take a step back before judging, 适应紧张的环境, 更好地了解自己和他人. 

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在做了六年的英语老师之后 Spain, I realized while I loved working with students I did not want to continue to work in a classroom, thus I began to think about the study abroad sector. It’s an opportunity for me to work with students and provide them with the same kind of opportunities and assistance which changed my life. 

我在国外生活和学习了很长时间, and I could see firsthand the impact that experience had on my personality, skills, 个人发展. 

I stayed at the Université de Paris for several years after graduate school. 作为一名博士生, I had a phenomenal opportunity to start working in the field of study abroad, 这真是太合适了. Years later, 我很幸运能在一个令人满意的领域工作, exciting, challenging, and loads of fun! 

我在苏联待过一段时间(我都那么老了)!) and in the U.S. 作为一名学生,这真的是一场变革. Looking back, 这些经历都是人生的必经之路, 如果没有他们,我会是另一个人. I want our students to have that kind of experience, too. 

支持学生的爱, especially as they venture far from the comforts of on campus education. 

My world was rocked by study abroad when I studied for a year in Osaka, Japan. For almost 12 months, days were those of wonder and reflection. 那时我就知道我是“终身监禁”. 

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I knew from a young age I wanted to work with students. My love of traveling and working with students brought me into the international education field and to CEA CAPA! 

I am passionate about traveling and language acquisition as well as education and counseling, which led to a natural trajectory into the field of international education. 

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My own travels have had a long-lasting impact on my growth and development as a person. I want other students to have similar experiences as I did, 无论是在国外还是回国, in the hopes that it can help catapult their lives to new heights. 

ENR-Kelsey_Eihausen-17 - Kelsey Eihausen - RESIZED
我在UNL的留学办公室工作, where I fell in love with international education and assisting other students in pursuing their experiences abroad. After studying abroad in South Korea in Summer ‘21, I knew I wanted to pursue this career path and ended up working as a Project Coordinator for UNL's Global Affairs offices prior to joining CEA CAPA as a Site Specialist. 

来自移民家庭, I've seen firsthand how education is a tool that can unite cultures, countries, and people despite the language and other cultural barriers that exist. 我在大学学的是人类学, so I’ve always been pursuing a career that lets me push boundaries (culturally and linguistically) and work with people from many diverse backgrounds in hopes, one day, they're able to go out and see the world for themselves. 

Cotopaxi火山- Danielle Hale -调整大小
Having such an impactful study abroad experience myself, I decided I wanted to help and encourage other students to have the same kind of transformational abroad experience! 

After 在伦敦留学, I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in education abroad. There's no greater joy than supporting and advising students to find the experience that will change their life forever. 

而我没有宝博体育, I did have the opportunity to live abroad in West Africa for more than two years after grad school. 我非常感谢这次机会, as it significantly challenged and changed my perspective. It's a huge part of why I love the work that we get to do - helping to make opportunities accessible for students to have their own perspectives challenged, 同时也影响他人. 

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I feel like I'm one of the few people in the field that did not study abroad. 我想,然而,作为一个 第一代大学生, 文化观念, and the financial implications of study abroad did not allow me to participate. My academic and professional background as a career counselor gave me the unexpected opportunity to create and manage international internship programs early on in my career.  

Both of my parents were educators and exposed me to travel at a young age. When I visited Epcot at Walt Disney World and was exposed to different cultures and cuisines I was hooked and wanted to explore the world. This later translated into a passion for helping others do the same. 

Whitney Sherman Headshot - Whitney Sherman - RESIZED
I love supporting students as they expand their perspectives and successfully articulate their newly acquired intercultural skills after 高影响力的学习经历. I wanted to pursue a career in international education because I love steering this process -- whether I'm helping students develop deeper self-awareness or supporting faculty in strengthening their own intercultural communication skills. 

197723_502936100537_258_n - Stina Dufour - RESIZED
I grew up as a third culture kid living for stints in Sweden and Norway before settling back in the U.S. Even then, I had the chance to attend highly diverse schools. I thought all of this was normal, until I studied abroad in college. There, I realized many of the other Americans on my program were using their passports for the first time and had grown up in more homogeneous settings. Abroad, I witnessed them explore the world for the first time, 老实说,有时看下去很难受. Still, I saw a unique space for self-reflection and openness that could be used to promote values of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the study abroad field.  

当我在国外学习了一个学期 South Africa, I learned so much about myself as a person, about my peers from the U.S.和来自不同地方的当地人 文化和身份. That’s when I decided to devote my life to helping other students seek out transformative international education experiences. 

I started teaching English when I was 18 years old. Years later, I became certified and worked for private institutions, public schools, 私人公司的内部教练, 翻译和口译员, and ultimately became Adjunct Professor at my alma mater. 在我个人的移民之旅中, I knew I wanted to work in international education, 提供服务, resources, and support to students going to different parts of the world. 

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It's simple. I studied abroad and found myself through that experience, which drove my passion for helping others experience something similar and better than my own experience. 


我在美国学习的时间.K. as an undergraduate (full year direct enroll program) and then as a graduate student at the same university (enrolling directly, not through a program) had such an impact on me that I loved the idea of working in that field and helping other students have such an experience. 


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